
Thursday, April 15, 2004

Ashcroft = Asshat 

Sorry to post a New York Times link, since it requires that registration bullshit that no one fills out with real info (for now, you can log in with "suckmychoad" as a user name and "motherfuckers" as the password), but this was too good to pass up. Apparently, the 9-11 Commission is going to rake Asscroft over the coals for not being interested enough back in the summer of '01 to go after terrorists.

Hm. Impeachable offenses yet? Here's a man who stopped flying commercial airliners in June 2001, and yet could find nothing more important to do than go after online sellers of glass pipes that may or may not have been used to smoke (gasp) pot. And, in recent days, what has he been up to? Why, protecting America from pornography.

Yeah, that's right -- porn has killed far more people than terrorists.

This Asshat has got to go. The man is not just delusional. He's totally insane. The evidence is here.

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