
Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Blood on Our Hands 

Not that I don't think the cold-blooded murder of a captured American civilian is an abominable, unforgiveable atrocity -- but the blame for this act lies in the hands of our government.

The government that turned a blind eye to the abuses at Abu Ghraib, that refused to arrange the release of Nick Berg, that refuses to make anyone high up in the chain of command take responsibility.

Yes, the people who beheaded Nick Berg are vile terrorists -- but their strings are being pulled from Washington. The lack of leadership on the part of the Administration has dragged us into this quagmire, and this cycle of atrocity and retribution will continue. Most likely, more Iraqis will be arrested and dragged into prisons for interrogation, followed by terrorist reprisals, repeat ad nauseum.

And remember -- there were no al-Qaeda in Iraq until our invasion brought them flocking there like vultures. Instead of focusing on Afghanistan and taking care of the real problem, we now have this mess in a country that was not involved with 9-11. Sure, we got rid of a petty dictator, but the world has plenty of those around. And, contrary to W's assertions, the torture rooms have not been closed in Iraq. They've just been franchised out to our contractors and, now, to foreign terrorists.

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