
Sunday, May 30, 2004

Even the Fascists Hate Him... 

Now this is amusing. Several far-right, white rights groups have endorsed John Kerry for president -- mainly as a rejection of George W. Bush. I'm not going to link to any of the sites because I find their politics abhorent and hateful, but here's a rather amusing quote from an Aryan Nation type group in their reasons for endorsing Kerry. (Who, by the way, they claim is half-Jewish. I have no idea whether that's true, but when you have American Neo-Nazis supporting someone they believe to be half-Jewish, you know the Republicans are in trouble.)
1. Perhaps the most ephemeral, but in all honesty the most important, reason is our editor's personal distaste for stupidity and, in particular, stupidity emanating from the mouths of Texas blowhards. Add to this an evangelical Christian mentality of an ex-drunk who not only believes he hears voices from God, but conducts American policy on the basis of what these voices tell him to do, and - need we say more? White Alert's editor has lived under 10 previous U.S. Presidents and in due course come to dislike most of them, but never with quite the level of intensity of the hatred he now feels toward Dumbo.

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