
Friday, May 14, 2004

Kosher Killing? 

Or unkosher. Two days after the story breaks, I have to question it as well. Who really killed Nick Berg?

And why?

The lack of blood is the smoking gun. Humans have about five quarts of blood in them. That's ten pints, twenty cups, a hundred and sixty ounces.

That's just over a gallon, so here's the challenge. Get a gallon of milk at the store. Squeeze it really tight, then uncap it in your kitchen. Note where the mess goes. Everywhere, right?

Well, apparently, Nick Berg's blood didn't go anywhere. And, while I haven't had the stomach to watch the video, I've seen still frames of the (pardon the expression) money shots, and they were surprisingly bloodless, too.

Guys and gals -- ever cut yourselves shaving? What does the skin look like if you don't clean it? Pretty messy, right?

Imagine a cut across your throat that would spew blood upward. Your chin and lower face would be a mess. If you were alive and your heart were pumping.

Add some frightened adenaline to that equation. If you're alive, and you realize you're about to be killed, your blood pressure is going to shoot up. Consequently, when your throat is cut, you're going to blast that gallon of blood a bit father than normal.

But Nick Berg didn't. In fact, he didn't seem to bleed at all. He didn't seem to do much of anything while his head was sawn off, which leads me to this conclusion -- he was already dead when he was beheaded.

The dog is being wagged here, big time. With perfect timing to short-circuit a news-cycle. It's the only logical explanation.

Occam's razor.

They found and identified the body real fast.

Nick Berg had had run-ins with the FBI before; one of which tied him, circumstantially, to a 9-11 suspect.

The man who allegedly killed him also allegedly died two months earlier; in any case, he had an artificial leg and could barely walk on it, something not in evidence in the video.

And... the alleged al-Qaeda members look way too fat and way too white to be Arab terrorists.

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark, and I think we're all being hosed here..

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