
Sunday, July 25, 2004

Let's Play Moral Equivalency... 

So, little Mattie Drudge has his panties in a wad over this story, here presented in its entirity:
Teresa Heinz Kerry, wife of Democratic nominee John Kerry, told a reporter to 'shove it' on Sunday evening -- immediately after giving a speech calling for a more civil tone in politics.
And this is worse than Dick Cheney, President of the Senate, publicly telling a Senator to go fuck himself... how?

Of course, notice that Matt doesn't happen to tell us what comment the reporter made that prompted Ms. Heinz-Kerry's alleged "shove it." What do you think it could have been? Something inappropriate about the Kerrys' daughter at Cannes? Something about botox and whether she's had it as well? Something else?

Fuck this crap. I refuse to let the bar be lowered for Democrats just because the Republicans are playing in the muck. Teresa Heinz-Kerry told a reporter to shove it? Big fucking deal. Dick Cheney told a Senator -- an elected representative of the people and, ergo, the people themselves -- to go fuck themselves.

In other words, Ms. Heinz-Kerry spoke for all of us against the whores of the fifth estate, while Dick Cheney spoke to us by insulting the Senate. She stood up for us, while he told us to fuck ourselves.

Remember this from now to November. Frankly, we need more politicians who will tell the press exactly what they can do, as long as they aren't doing their job, which is reporting on the lies and bullshit of the politicians.

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