
Friday, September 02, 2005


It's official. In his little PR tour of the devastated areas, five days after the fact, W. didn't even bother to visit New Orleans. Food and water didn't even start to arrive until today.

All the news networks figured out to get there by Monday. Why couldn't our federal government?

And why can't W. wipe that smirk off his face long enough to speak about this natural disaster? He looks like he's opening a new mall or something.

Impeachment cannot come soon enough.

If the Federal govt. WARNED them ahead of time and they stayed for the earth quake...then yes...it is thier fault.
Ah yes, the convenient excuse. If the government WARNED them... except that a lot of people can't just jump in the SUV and gas it up, or hire a limo, or buy a plane ticket. A lot of people, particularly in New Orleans, with one of the highest poverty rates in the country, couldn't just drop everything and zip off to the countryside to safety.

Your attitude just proves my point. Elite assholes will never get it. But people who live from one check to another, who perhaps don't have cars, who are maybe more concerned with feeding their children today or paying rent tomorrow (when their check doesn't come 'til the first), and who don't necessarily trust the government in the first place, aren't about to pack up everything and head for the hills.

For the most part, there were two groups of people who stayed in New Orleans after the warnings -- tourists who ran up against closed airports, and the poor, who didn't have any other choice. And, in the back of all their minds, I'm sure both groups figured that the government would have come in to help them on the day after the disaster. Not five days later, not a week later, and not with nothing but a photo-op and a "food supply tent" that was less than a Hollywood set.

Go on, then. Blame the victims. That's what the "compassionate" conservatives love to do. Earn your place in that particularly warm corner of hell that's being reserved for you even now... and say hello to all those Halliburton contractors while you're down there.
Anonymous, you're a fucking nitwit.
Anonymous, you're a fucking nitwit.
Of course, one can justify Anonymous's position through the typical greedy Republican wingnut line: they were poor because they wanted to be, so it was their fault they couldn't get out.

Yeah, sure. Anyone would choose poverty over comfort any day.

But -- that's the mantra behind all the incompassionate conservative BS -- the poor are poor because it's their fault. Which is why their social policies favor the rich. See, to a Repug, you're only valuable if you managed to earn a fortune.

Which would be fine if everybody had the same chance. But, thanks to that wingnut attitude again, only white people (or the rare minority) who start out in the middle class can ever make it. Unless a poor kid can sing and dance or play a sport (and I'm not making stereotypes there, sad truth) they have little chance of ever becoming noveau riche.

Didja ever notice, though, that just about the first thing any poor black kid does when they become a millionaire is buy their momma a house? They give back and they start at home. (Q.V. Magic Johnson, who has done more to rehabilitate inner city LA than any policy of local government ever has.)

And the first thing a young republican does when he becomes a millionaire? Fast car or trophy whore or both.

So, pity anonymous. He's a shallow nitwit because he chooses to be. It's not his fault. I mean, he got the warning about lack of compassion and chose to ignore it. When he drowns in his own shit... well, he deserved it, right?
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