
Thursday, January 12, 2006

Mrs. Alito Can Suck My Cock 

Along with the news media, who just don't get what the hell is going on in the Alito hearings, and so reduce it to sound bites about whining wives and apologizing assholes. Let me put it to you this way -- if Mrs. Alito is reduced to tears when someone asks her husband whether he's a racist, then perhaps she should just dump the bastard and go into another line of work. Or, better yet, keep herself far away from confirmation hearings. Which makes me think, "Hm. How much of a set-up was this?" "Honey, do me a favor -- cry if they get rough, okay?"

Memo to the Repugs: No matter how hard it got for President Clinton, we never saw Hilary crying. Meaning that -- she's much more qualified for office than Mrs. Alito will ever be. And, remember -- the false accusations slung against Clinton by the Repugnicrats were far, far worse than the mere questions that Joseph Alito has faced. Oh, poor baby. Someone maybe wondered whether your husband didn't like black people? Suck it the fuck up, you sorry-ass whiner. If you love the man, you know the truth -- and the truth shouldn't be able to make you cry, even if it's voiced by Ted Kennedy, a man who has done more to justify his family's legacy in the last forty years than anyone else -- and so has been most villified by the frat-boys of the far right.

And, anyway, for anyone who's paying attention to these hearings, one thing is obvious: Joseph Alito is a lying sack of shit, who's playing a tap-dance to the Republican tune in order to appear non-partisan enough to be confirmed. And, if the Democrats do their job properly, this man will no more be a Supreme Court justice than will either of my dogs. The difference being, though, that my dogs can't lie.

And... the news media has totally fallen down on the job on this one. What's important this week? Oooh... dead coal miners and Angelina is preggers. Y'know what? I don't give a fuck about either of those stories. My grandfather was a coal miner. He died because of his occupation, lungs choked with anthracite dust -- and his death never made the news. A bunch of coal miners lost their canary and died in a shaft? So fucking what? Tell us about the soldiers in Iraq who die every day -- or has that been prohibited by the Administraion? And as for Brad and Angelina -- leave them alone, and stop pretending their relationship is important. It isn't. They're just two beautiful people who are fucking. What drops out of her womb is about one ten-thousandth as important as the real news you should be spending your time on.

What's important is this: the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee are doing their job, and questioning a questionable nominee. Quit it with the "crying wife" and "indignant senator" sound bites, and follow the real story. How do Alito's answer conflict with his previous opinions and statements? How badly is the man lying for the sake of a position? How un-partisan is it to ask those questions? What does the man think of the Constitution, the Separation of Powers, Affirmative Action? How has the man lied to his inquisitors in order to gain an appointment for life?

Oooh... look. Missing white woman! Dead coal miners! Celebrity babies!!!

Memo to the news media: you ceased being the news or the media long ago. Want to redeem yourselves? Then report the real story in Washington right now -- which is: lying sack of shit continues to lie in order to gain lifetime tenure. Stop pretending the Alito hearings only matter when his wife is crying. Wrong. They matter when Alito's lips are moving -- meaning, Alito is lying. I won't quote the old joke here.

But -- do your damn jobs. Five seconds of research would put the lie to every sentence coming out of that man's mouth as he's being grilled. And that is what our news media is supposed to be doing.

Unless, of course, you think that eleven dead coal miners or Bradgelina is more important than the fate of this country for the next thirty years. It isn't, you idiots. And, here's a hint -- next time Mrs. Alito cries, accord it all the importance to national discourse that it deserves -- which is none.

Again, if Mrs. Alito can't take it, she can just suck my cock, or go away. Oh no. They were mean to your husband? Suck it up, bitch. And ask yourself, WWHD?

What would Hilary do?

A lot more than you, apparently...

BTW, the above post may be illegal per the vague law recently passed by Congress. I welcome Mrs. Alito to sue me. See you in court, with the ACLU behind me. Sucker...

It's all quite disillusioning. If they let this fucker slip by, I will officially give up hope on America.
"Memo to the Repugs: No matter how hard it got for President Clinton, we never saw Hilary crying. Meaning that -- she's much more qualified for office than Mrs. Alito will ever be."

Mrs. Alito is not running for office, why should we be concerned about her qualifications over a woman who couldnt even properly fellate her husband like a good woman when he had the most stressfull job in the world?
Sigh. Lil Platinum, why don't you run right for the great Republican Shibboleth of the Clintons?

Yeah, Ms. Alito isn't running for office but, to follow the Republicrap Rule Book, we have to judge the husband by the wife. Mrs. Alito got all weepy 'n shit, meaning that her husband isn't qualified...

Yeah, right. You rightwingers wish you had one half the intelligence and integrity that the Clintons have, and so take any opportunity to bash them. But...y'know what? Bill Clinton's greatest crime in office was denying a blow job.

W's greatest crime? Every single time he opens his lying mouth to piss on the Constitution. Every single time he claims powers for the Executive Branch that the Founding Fathers never envisioned.

W's greatest crime? Being in office. Thank you Diebold.

Compare Hillary Clinton to any other person currently in office, up for it, or related to someone on the block?

Two words: FUCK YOU.

Now go stick your head back up W's ass and blind yourself to the truth -- the current administration is so fucking corrupt that they make Reagan and Nixon combined look innocent.

And that, my Nazi friend, takes a lot of work.
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